In September 2021, Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed the Global Development Initiative (GDI) at the General Debate of the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly. Over the past year, the GDI has charted the course and provided a guide to action for advancing global development that was standing at a crossroads.

In June 2022, President Xi Jinping chaired the High-level Dialogue on Global Development and announced China’s important measures to implement the GDI, including setting up a Global Development Promotion Center, developing a project pool and holding a Forum on Global Action for Shared Development.

Located at the China International Development Cooperation Agency, the Global Development Promotion Center is responsible for providing shared platform that promotes ideas, encourages innovations, pools resources, and facilitate actions for the implementation of the GDI.

1. Set Up a Global Development Project Pool.

Upholding the principle of development promotion, participation of all parties, openness and innovation, the GDPC will set up a Global Development Project Pool in eight fields featuring extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits. The GDPC stands ready to work with all parties for the benefits of people around the world.

2. Hold a Forum on Global Action for Shared Development.

The first Forum on Global Action for Shared Development will be held in China in 2023, to build consensus on development, discuss grand plans for development and facilitate concerted actions. All parties are welcome to engage in hosting sub forums in different fields.

3. Promote Global Development Financing

The GDPC will mobilize resources from all parties including international development institutions, financial institutions, Chinese and foreign businesses, and foundations and encourage them to join the global development financing. This will diversify the operation modes of Global Development and South-South Cooperation Fund and promote the implementation of the project pool.

4. Establish a Digital Publicity Platform for Global Development.

The GDPC will give full play to the strength of traditional media and internet media to establish a digital, regular, and diversified communication platform to promote the GDI.  Using the form of “national days,” the GDPC will customize a variety of publicity events for all countries.

5. Establish Innovation Training Base of GDPC.

Based on BRICS PartNIR Innovation Center, the GDPC will establish an Innovation Training Base to strengthen governance experience exchange and knowledge sharing for development with all parties.

6. Set up a Global Development Promotion Center Network.

The GDPC will work with international development cooperation departments of all countries, counterpart institutions designated by competent UN agencies and think tanks to put in place an effective and practical working mechanism to promote development policy alignment, coordinate joint actions, enhance multilateral cooperation, and thus strengthen the global partnership for development.